Welcome to the 2024-2025 Rugby Season!

Not sure if you feel it in the air or not yet, but Rugby is right around the corner! Practices will start on the 6th of December from 4:00-dark at Lincoln Park in East Garrison (old Fort Ord) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Last season we had our first JV high school team, and our first full middle school girls team!

JV high school boys
middle school boys
middle school girls
U12 co-ed
U10 co-ed
U8 co-ed (flag)

As usual, please spread the word about our program, share our page and flyer with anyone and everyone you think may be interested in the fastest growing sport in America! It is $35 off if you register before the Nov. 1st. 2021. As always, ask about the sibling discount, and scholarships and reduced rates are available on an individual basis. Everyone that wants to play will play! We do not turn anyone away, ever.


Now Recruiting!